Principles of Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems

University of Virginia


Several assignments require the use of Matlab products and toolboxes.

Campus-wide license for MATLAB, Simulink, and companion toolboxes

MathWorks has created a web portal for UVa faculty, staff, and students to download, install and activate the latest version of Matlab and the toolboxes included as part of the campus-wide license.
The portal also provides access to the MathWork’s online course offerings.
The following URL starts the process of accessing the MathWorks portal.
Contact [email protected] for questions regarding access to Matlab licenses.

Course assignments will be posted here.

Assignment 1 : State-Space Modeling in Matlab

Assignment 1
Due Date: 8th Septermber 2020 @ 11:59pm
Submit on UVA collab. Upload a single .zip file with the filename [firstname_lastname_UVA_computing_ID].zip

Assignment 2 : Thermal 'RC" Modeling

Assignment 2
Due Date: 22nd Septermber 2020 @ 11:59pm
Non-programming assignment. Upload a single .pdf file with the filename [firstname_lastname_UVA_computing_ID].pdf

Assignment 3 : Parameter Estimation

Assignment 3
MATLAB Templates
Due Date: Oct 20, 20120 @2:00 pm @ 11:59pm
Upload a single .zip file with the filename [firstname_lastname_UVA_computing_ID].zip - Share both your part 1 and part 2 directories. For non-programming parts - submit a single pdf for the entire assignment.

Suggested Reading : Cardiac Pacemaker StepByStep


No submission required.

Assignment 4 : Heart Modeling using Simulink/Stateflow

Assignment 5
Simulink Model Template
Due Date: Nov 19, 2020 by 11:59pm
Upload a single .zip file with the filename [firstname_lastname_UVA_computing_ID].zip

Assignment 5 : Transition Systems and Linear Temporal Logic

Assignment 5
Due Date: Dec 02, 2020 by 11:59pm
This is a non-programming assignment. You should upload and submit a single PDF file with the filename [firstname_lastname_UVA_computing_ID].PDF

UPPAAL Small Tutorial

No submission required.